R for macOS Developers - Old Builds

All software on this page is strictly experimental and subject to acceptance of the supplied R license agreement and the disclaimer at the end of the page.

Nightly builds for Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan)

This page lists older nighlty binaries that are no longer updated but may be of interest for debugging and other purposes.

R framework

3.4.4 Patched
(2018/03/19, r75535)
el-capitanDec 22 2018x86_64: OK (log)
Package: OK

R-3.4-branch-el-capitan-sa-x86_64.tar.gz (64Mb)

R-3.4-branch-el-capitan-signed.pkg (74Mb, installer incl. GUI)
3.5.3 Patched
(2019/03/11, r77192)
el-capitanDec 12 2019x86_64: OK (log)
Package: OK

R-3.5-branch-el-capitan-sa-x86_64.tar.gz (65Mb)

R-3.5-branch-el-capitan-signed.pkg (75Mb, installer incl. GUI)
3.6.3 Patched
(2020/04/28, r80465)
el-capitanJun 8 22:30x86_64: OK (log)
Package: OK

R-3.6-branch-el-capitan-sa-x86_64.tar.gz (67Mb)

R-3.6-branch-el-capitan-signed.pkg (78Mb, installer incl. GUI)

The installer image (*.pkg) is packaged exactly the same way as the CRAN release of R (including the GUI) and it will update your R version (unless you use pkgutil - see instructions during installation and/or the "Multiple versions" section of the R Installation and Administration manual).

Alternatively, you can use the tar-ball (*.tar.gz) in the table above. The tar-ball must be unpacked in the root directory using:

$ tar fvxz R*.tar.gz -C /

NOTE: The tar-ball does not contain the GUI (see below for a separate download). The installer includes Tcl/Tk package which will install in /usr/local. It is optional (only needed for the tcltk R package) and can be unchecked at installation time.

If you see any issues with the builds, please contact Simon Urbanek (the macOS maintainer of R) or report on the R-SIG-Mac mailing list.


Mac OS X GUI rev. 7541 for R 3.4.xel-capitan-Debug.dmgR-GUI-7541-3.4-el-capitan-Debug.dmg
Mac OS X GUI rev. 7541 for R 3.4.xel-capitan-Release.dmgR-GUI-7541-3.4-el-capitan-Release.dmg
Mac OS X GUI rev. 7649 for R 3.5.xel-capitan-Debug.dmgR-GUI-7649-3.5-el-capitan-Debug.dmg
Mac OS X GUI rev. 7649 for R 3.5.xel-capitan-Release.dmgR-GUI-7649-3.5-el-capitan-Release.dmg
Mac OS X GUI rev. 7969 for R 3.6.xel-capitan-Debug.dmgR-GUI-7969-3.6-el-capitan-Debug.dmg
Mac OS X GUI rev. 7969 for R 3.6.xel-capitan-Release.dmgR-GUI-7969-3.6-el-capitan-Release.dmg

To install, open the image and drag the R icon to your Applications folder. Alternatively the GUI can be run directly off that image without copying if you just want to test it. Build configurations with "64" suffix are 64-bit builds, all others are 32-bit (except for Debug). If you want to use both, rename one of them or place them in different directories.

CRAN macOS master

This is now the master repository for released R package binaries. If you have issues with other mirrors, try using https://mac.r-project.org/ as your mirror as it is updated first.

Other binaries

The following binaries are not maintained or supported by R-core and are provided without any guarantee and for convenience only (Mac OS X 10.4.4 or higher required). They match the binaries used on the CRAN binary build machine and thus are recommended for use with CRAN R package binaries.


All software is provided "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the publisher, copyright owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.